
Fun Facts about Fort St. John, BC Canada

Fort St. John is located at Historic Milepost 47 of the Alaska Highway, 47 miles north of Dawson Creek and 236 miles south of Fort Nelson, BC

  • Population: 18,000
  • Visitor Information: 
    City of Fort St. John Visitor Centre, 9324 96 Street (Pomeroy Sport Centre); phone 1-877-785-6037; (email -
  • Economy: Fort St. John’s booming economy is based primarily on oil and gas, agriculture, forestry, tourism, hydro-electric power generation, and consumer and public services.
  • Fall Colors on Alaska's Highways - view video
  • The Northern Lights of the Aurora Borelais - view video

Order a Milepost today & bookmark Mile 47 @ Coffee Creek RV Park